Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You're Not Irish

Before continuing, I'll take a moment to define my primary audience. This particular post is addressed to Americans, whose family bloodline has never been near the NY/Boston area. So if you're Southern, Appalachian, Midwestern, this one's for you.

Yeah, today's the day when people suffer from this strange social phenomenon called "I think I'm Irish." While I have a few hypothesis as to why it occurs, I'll first start with the facts.

(For clarification to our international audience, Americans tend to say "I'm this" or "I'm that" in reference to ethnicity, in the sense of race, and not in the sense of nationality or citizenship)

America's beginning consisted of the English settling the coastal areas, from New England (obviously) to Jamestown, and all down further south. Makes sense, as they were the first Europeans to truly settle Vinland/North America, they took the first land available. Now the Anglo-Scots (from Northern England/Southern Scotland, the border area) didn't exactly get along with the Crown, so they too hauled ass, and settled further inland; the Appalachians, deep South, western Pennsylvania. Germans took Pennsylvania and the Midwest. I've already covered most of the US (from that time period) without once mentioning the Irish.

Now, the ACTUAL Irish, who are Catholic and do NOT come from Northern Ireland, settled up around Boston/NY/whatever else, at a later date, after America was already well-established.

Now especially back in the day, there was pretty much a huge cultural wall between that area, and the South and Midwest. We call that the Mason-Dixon line. So there weren't free-traveling people like there are now. So, unless your family actually came from that area, you most likely aren't Irish, even despite your claims of "my family came from Ireland, and I can prove it."

That brings me to my next point: just because you're "from" Ireland, this does not make you ethnic Irish. Should a Korean move to Ireland, does his hair suddenly become red (I'll get to that in a minute), and he starts wearing green and eating potatoes? Does his DNA change and he becomes ethnic Celtic/Gaulic? I say this, because a good portion of the Anglo-Scots who moved here, first temporarily relocated to Protestant Northern Ireland. This is why they're Protestant and not Catholic, this is also why YOU (and/or your family line) is Protestant and not Catholic, and this is also why that area claims to be British, to this day. After living there for a few generations or less, they came here.

This is why you need to strongly question your evidence of being "from" Ireland, now that you know this idea isn't exactly steadfast.

Now, I'll shoot down a few things relating to fake "Irish pride" held by Americans. You having red hair is absolutely meaningless. First, it's a genetic variant of blonde hair. Second, having a slight shade of red when your dominant color is brown or blonde, does not make you "red." Also, only 9% of Ireland is redheaded. They all have dark hair. It's England which has more redheads than anyone else. Other non-Irish places featuring red hair: Netherlands, France, Germany, sometimes even Scandinavia.

Green eyes are, very literally, just blue eyes, with amounts of fatty tissue on the iris (which is yellow in color). This is why someone's green eyes can often shift back and forth between that and blue. This is a biological fact. Green, as a true iris color, does not exist.

Next up, Guinness. The English invented that type of beer, the stout porter ale. While Guinness is used as some huge marketing brand for the whole of Ireland, the type is of English origin.

Finally, I'll leave you with the "Celtic" knot, the one last Irish haven you have left... ...which is of Norse Viking origin. Yep, the people who raped and plundered Ireland, and also established its very capitol (as well as establishing Scotland as a nation and contributing to their gene pool), are the ones who left their knotwork design.

Now that the facts are out of the way, I'll toss up a few minor theories of mine. Just ideas that I don't really take too seriously, I theorize that fake Irish pride stems from the anti-English sentiments from back in the day. Renewed by the more recent Irish immigration, as well as the Irish having moved to larger city areas than the rural South and Midwest, this caused their St Patrick's Day to appear more "loud" and thus more prominent. Perhaps it also stems from unscientific family records including the "from Ireland" factor, as well as America's lack of culture needing to be fulfilled by that of someone else.

While opinionated in tone, I felt the need to write this, because the trend is very wide-spread, and even the actual Irish have been getting irritated by it, so I know that I'm not the only one who sees it. Hopefully education will help, one person at a time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The increasing trend of black women who like white men

There is an increasing trend, especially in the past few years, of black women who like or prefer white men. Views vary widely, just as anything else, but before getting to those, let's touch up on the general reasoning for those with the preference:

It is claimed that white men are more successful, driven, self-reliant, charming, and respectful. Naturally there are exceptions to this (the conservative deep South, anyone?), but by general observation, this seems to be true, and I can understand their reasoning. In American society, black males do seem to be significantly sexist and hyper-macho, to the point that quite frankly, they're not always pleasant to be around. A constant barrage of being called a "ho" and the such, would surely be enough to drive any black woman away from black men. But ultimately racial identity seems to hold them together for the long run.

But let's also touch up on the black community's double-standards of how black men get a free pass to get with women of any race, but the woman who does so is a "sell-out" or a "traitor." Let me explain the psychology behind it: It's no secret that the men run any social group. And strictly amongst men, racial dating is seen as a metaphor for racial warfare and dominance over another people. This is why black guys try to act so cocky when they're with a white woman, which is also why they try to forever hold the black women down (in order to keep them on the homestead front), which is also why white men are forever angered about the white women who are traitors.

Flip it around, and it's perfectly fine among the white men to consider black women, whereas white women become angered by it. Some black men seem to find amusement in a white guy's appreciation for black women, others hate it. And naturally, some black women are opening themselves to the idea, or otherwise are finally stepping up about it. Most, however, seem to side with the point of view about those vanilla-loving black ladies being traitors.

Ultimately, after the black man finally got his chance to step up and open outwards, it's now the turn for the ladies to finally do the same, in the face of open arms, and objection.

Relevant links:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Public Health: Banning flavored cigarettes

Obama just passed a law which bans various flavored cigarettes, including cloves. Lemme tell ya, people arent too happy about it. The intention is clear, to make cigarettes less attractive to teens.

But that's where the real controversy comes in: Quite frankly, I dont know of one single teen, in my entire life, who has ever smoked a flavored cigarette (minus menthol, as that's more considered a "variant"). This is how this works: teens pick up "adult" habits by imitating adults. Most adults I know have no taste in anything Fine at all, so they'll smoke their crappy Marlboro Lights, or the ghetto kids will (purely out of obligation because it's the ghetto thing to do) smoke Newports. So guess what the top kinds among teens are? You guessed it! Whatever the young adults around them are smoking also.

Now me, I smoke pipe tobacco, cigarettes are too cheap and "smoky" for me, not enough fine quality. I enjoy rum-flavored cavendish pipe tobacco, it's the nicest thing I've ever inhaled. Lemme tell ya, if this ban affects my smoke, as a result of some stupid perceived "wrong" which honestly isnt even going on, then I will be pissed. In fact, I'll prob'ly hand out cigarettes to kids myself, just to act as a huge middle finger to those who believe that crap.

This topic brings up two other topics: Smoker discrimination, and Democrats' "parent" laws.

We've got enough discrimination issues in this country as it is, black segregation, women's vote, gay marriage, racism, reversed racism, christian domination, and all that crap... the last thing we need is discrimination against smokers, especially from the very end of the political spectrum who claims to be against discrimination! I dont EVEN wanna hear an "equal rights" person telling me that I'm a "polluter" or whatever term they use, and try to segregate me in public places. Get the fuck outta here. FYI, I've been cutting back for my health, as it makes no sense for me to be on this work-out and dietary health kick that I've been on, if I dont have strong enough lungs to be able to run for 5 minutes. So I'm doing that on my own thank you. 

Which brings me to my next point: "Parent" laws. I dont need laws which forbid me, or anyone else, from doing self-destructive things because it's "for my own good." Yes, it is indeed foolish to smoke, drink, watch violent tv, all that dumb shit, but hey, if I want to, guess whose choice it is? Think about your "pro-choice" analogy here...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Black Community: If Dr King were alive today...

Surprisingly, my first real post on here will be a short one. But hey, that's how it goes. 

I just watched a rerun episode of The Boondocks on Adult Swim, the episode was about a "What If" alternate reality where Dr King got shot, but instead of dying, he fell into a coma for 30 years, and awoke in the modern day; and quite frankly, he didnt like what he saw in the black community. Clearly disappointed with the degenerate behavior which he observed among the modern black community, his final Swan Song of a speech simply consisted of an angered vocal disappointment, concluded with him announcing that he gives up and is moving to Canada.

Oh how I couldnt agree more. Whether it's vocalized or not, the racist portion of the white community recognizes this too, how blacks once went from noble crusaders, to now degrading themselves with their self-defeating behavior. Naturally, they fail to see the fact that different generations, people, and times are being compared, but "you are your deeds." Addressing this directly to any blacks who may read this: whether any of us like it or not, everything you do, makes you a representative of all black people. Of course it shouldnt be that way, but that's just how it is. If anything, view that as positive motivation for you to ALWAYS do the best for yourself.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Rules

Greetings. In this blog, I will post various controversial topics, along with my unique perspectives on them, open for discussion by intelligent, non-binary folks. To avoid repeatedly repeating myself on a repeated basis, I'm going to post a few of my "rules."

1. All groups of people have a stereotypical majority, as well as a more individualistic minority; therefore, whenever I refer to a group, I mean the group in general, not "absolutely all members of this group, with no exceptions," so I dont wanna hear your "Not ALL people in this group are like that!" crap.

2. I learn what I know by observation, therefore anything I post, I post as having observed it, not as having "read it somewhere on the internet," "watched too much tv," or whatever excuse you come up with.

3. Realize that in general, I'm Left-leaning, but I'm not a binary one-or-the-other extremist, nor do I adhere to obeying what I'm supposed to support according to "we support this cause" or whatever. Quite frankly, I dont adhere to much of anything that society expects of me. I have my own rules of conduct.

4. I dont like "meat-eaters are evil, violence is wrong, guns kill people, I listen to outdated music from the 60's" extremists, but I really fucking hate "you're going to hell because you dont conform to my religion, I will outcast you from society because you dont wear golf shirts and khaki slacks, and my only activities consist of golfing, the newspaper, and griping about how minorities are ruining everything" conservative shit heads. If you're either, then you will regularly become angry with my writings.

5. Absolutely all things are open to discussion, however, I expect you to keep your posts intelligent, non-binary, non-extremist, and ultimately, non-typical. If you've got a chip on your shoulder or a point to prove, then take it to your "us only" site which I know you're already a member of and tell THEM all about it. I dont wanna hear it.