Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The increasing trend of black women who like white men

There is an increasing trend, especially in the past few years, of black women who like or prefer white men. Views vary widely, just as anything else, but before getting to those, let's touch up on the general reasoning for those with the preference:

It is claimed that white men are more successful, driven, self-reliant, charming, and respectful. Naturally there are exceptions to this (the conservative deep South, anyone?), but by general observation, this seems to be true, and I can understand their reasoning. In American society, black males do seem to be significantly sexist and hyper-macho, to the point that quite frankly, they're not always pleasant to be around. A constant barrage of being called a "ho" and the such, would surely be enough to drive any black woman away from black men. But ultimately racial identity seems to hold them together for the long run.

But let's also touch up on the black community's double-standards of how black men get a free pass to get with women of any race, but the woman who does so is a "sell-out" or a "traitor." Let me explain the psychology behind it: It's no secret that the men run any social group. And strictly amongst men, racial dating is seen as a metaphor for racial warfare and dominance over another people. This is why black guys try to act so cocky when they're with a white woman, which is also why they try to forever hold the black women down (in order to keep them on the homestead front), which is also why white men are forever angered about the white women who are traitors.

Flip it around, and it's perfectly fine among the white men to consider black women, whereas white women become angered by it. Some black men seem to find amusement in a white guy's appreciation for black women, others hate it. And naturally, some black women are opening themselves to the idea, or otherwise are finally stepping up about it. Most, however, seem to side with the point of view about those vanilla-loving black ladies being traitors.

Ultimately, after the black man finally got his chance to step up and open outwards, it's now the turn for the ladies to finally do the same, in the face of open arms, and objection.

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