Sunday, June 21, 2009

Black Community: If Dr King were alive today...

Surprisingly, my first real post on here will be a short one. But hey, that's how it goes. 

I just watched a rerun episode of The Boondocks on Adult Swim, the episode was about a "What If" alternate reality where Dr King got shot, but instead of dying, he fell into a coma for 30 years, and awoke in the modern day; and quite frankly, he didnt like what he saw in the black community. Clearly disappointed with the degenerate behavior which he observed among the modern black community, his final Swan Song of a speech simply consisted of an angered vocal disappointment, concluded with him announcing that he gives up and is moving to Canada.

Oh how I couldnt agree more. Whether it's vocalized or not, the racist portion of the white community recognizes this too, how blacks once went from noble crusaders, to now degrading themselves with their self-defeating behavior. Naturally, they fail to see the fact that different generations, people, and times are being compared, but "you are your deeds." Addressing this directly to any blacks who may read this: whether any of us like it or not, everything you do, makes you a representative of all black people. Of course it shouldnt be that way, but that's just how it is. If anything, view that as positive motivation for you to ALWAYS do the best for yourself.

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